How it works
House Call Pediatrics has no physical office building, because the clinic visit takes place at your home. The pediatrician comes and sees your children for both scheduled checkups as well as sick visits.
Parents can text, email, or call the physician to set up an appointment, with both day and evening visits available. The pediatrician is also available to existing patients for phone consultation 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week.
Prescriptions can be electronically transmitted to your neighborhood pharmacy, and copies of your medical records can be made available to you online.
Basic laboratory tests and treatments can be performed in the home, and, if needed, more advanced tests (blood work, x-rays) can be ordered by the pediatrician and collected throughout our city wide network of laboratories and diagnostic imaging centers.
House Call Pediatrics has multiple forms of bill payment available, and we accept both private insurance and medicaid.